Today Abah lambat datang amek kat ofis, jadiknye tetibe rase nak pegi The Weld, which is just in front of my office block. Hasrat utama adalah nak masuk Guardian. Aku harus akui di sini, memang aku adalah peminat setia Guardian Pharmacy..Baru semalam kot masuk Guardian, hari ni nak masuk lagi. Tapi, bila sampai Weld, terus tak jadi pergi Guardian sebab nampak ade Bookfare kat LG floor.
Aku bukanlah manusia yang rajin membaca, I hate reading. Kalau buku yang banyak ada dalam bilik aku pun, komik Dik Cerdas. Time sekolah dulu, cikgu ramai anti ngan aku sebab aku ni malasnye Ya Rabbi! Jadi istilah rajin membaca macam iklan Budaya Membaca tu, aku just gonna say HELL NO! Tapi, kali ni aku macam ditarik tarik lak pergi tengok Bookfare dari MPH tu.
Dan, walllllah...ada 2-3 novels yang jadik perhatian aku.. Sejak dua menjak ni aku ade menyimpan hasrat untuk membaca, at the age of 27, instead of doing it when I was 17, d'owhhhhh... Akhirnya, satu novel ni betul-betul buat aku terpikat. Novel 'MUMMY,COME HOME' dari Oxana Kalemi. Pertama skali harus baca synopsisnya.. Dan, aku pun finalised untuk beli novel ni..
Novel Mummy, Come Home mengisahkan satu kisah benar yang dialami sendiri oleh Oxana Kalemi yang telah diculik dan dipaksa untuk melacurkan dirinya, dan bagaimana dia berusaha untuk melarikan diri untuk kembali pada anak-anaknya...Itu menurut synopsis lah..Sebab skarang aku baru baca 15 mukasurat pertama out of 304 muka. Di kesempatan ini jugak, aku mengGOOGLE berkenaan latar belakang Wanita Hebat ni..

Sumber dari : http://www.mca-agency.com/author.php?id=27
Oxana Kalemi - Waking up bleary-eyed and beaten, Oxana wondered how she had got there. Then she remembered: her abusive husband, the dream of a better life, the 'job' that turned into a nightmare!. Tricked into prostitution by her best friend, Oxana was torn from her children in Ukraine and trafficked into the UK, where she was imprisoned in a Birmingham sauna and forced to service up to 15 clients a night.
Raped, beaten and abused, she was sickened by what she had become. Oxana only had one thing left in the world to live for: the thought of being reunited with her children. But even if she escaped she had no idea how she'd get them back! But where so many women are destroyed forever by such violence and suffering, her unbending love for her children and her unshakeable determination meant that even in her darkest hour, the flame of hope in Oxana's heart was never extinguished. Spurred on by this faith, that one day she would be reunited with her children, Oxana found the strength to break free from prostitution and her captors and continue her fight to be a mother once more. She would hold her children in her arms again.
Oxana's memoir Mummy, Come Home: The True Story of a Mother kidnapped and torn from her children is published by Harper Element in 2009.
p/s : Walaupun baru baca 15 muka pertama, tapi hati ni da mula tersentuh.. Lantas berfikir, why I'm reading this, while some other people are busy reading The Memoirs of Tun Mahathir Mohamad..